Φυσικές πέρλες – Μαργαριτάρια
Pearls grow – they are created by certain bivalve and monovalve shells that live in many areas around the world, seas and rivers, as a result of a defense mechanism of these organisms. Pearls are created when tiny foreign particles get inside the shell (in the 'body' itself or between the shell and flesh) and irritate it. It then begins to secrete calcium carbonate (as saliva) to surround the 'invader' with the aim of ostracizing it! The final shape of the pearl depends on the position the 'invader' has taken inside the shell and on its shape! The shapes vary: spherical, pear-shaped, irregular, baroque or 'rice'-shaped, etc.
Our many years of experience make it possible to estimate your valuables free of charge and with absolute accuracy, always respecting their history and special value!
Προέλευση φυσικών μαργαριταριών
Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mannar (Between India – Sri Lanka) , Red Sea, Pacific Islands, Venezuela, Gulf of Mexico (due to pollution in recent years no longer fished!).
‘Επεξεργασίες’ μαργαριταργιών
Color poor pearls are 'dyed' ... black ... by immersing them in a silver nitrate solution and exposing them to light ... making them more attractive to the market!
Their exposure to radioactivity (X-rays) ...gives them gray colors (black orient).
Καλλιεργημένα μαργαριτάργια
This possibility was known to the Chinese from the13th century. The first cultured pearls were marketed in 1921 by the Japanese Kokichi Mikimoto. The culture process is as follows: a small sphere of a certain material (mother of pearl) is placed between the shell and the mantle, and then the shell is put back in the water for several years. This mollusk begins to surround this 'sphere' with layers of mother-of-pearl (saliva). The more years it remains in the 'cultivation crates', the more layers of coating there are (and therefore bigger pearls/and therefore more expensive!). Of course there are many variations of this basic process when it comes to pearl culture depending on what each producer wants to produce!
Απομιμήσεις μαργαριταριών
The most common imitation is the glass pearl which is coated with a 'pearl' substance and is easy to recognize due to its weight as opposed to the lighter real thing! Also, possible wear around the bead hole is typical and evident on the glass inside!
The Plastic Pearl... which also has a different texture – characteristic markings – and weight unlike the real pearl!
Imitation pearls 'Mallorca' it is created from a material called guanine (essence d'orient) and is found in the scales of fish.
Finally, imitations from hematite imitating black pearls are now easily recognized due to the great difference in their weight!
Τύποι και ποιότητες φυσικών μαργαριταριών
The most popular varieties of pearls are: Akoya, Biwa, Fresh Water, Cortez, Mabe, South Sea and Tahitian. 'Akoya' and 'Biwa' are usually white or cream in color. The 'Cortez' pearls are available in various colors on the market, the 'Mabe' are different due to their very high luster, while the 'South Sea' pearls are among the largest pearls that are usually available on the market in white, cream or gold colors. Finally, Tahitians are available in gray, silver or black shades, special varieties that are in demand these days!
Ιστορία …Μαργαριτάργια
Το πιο αρχαίο μαργαριτάρι εκτιμάται ότι είναι 8.000 ετών και εντοπίστηκε στο νησί Marawah κατά τη διάρκεια ανασκαφών στις ακτές του Άμπου Ντάμπι. Σύμφωνα με το τμήμα Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού της πόλης υπάρχει στη δημοσιότητα και ένα βίντεο σχετικό με την ανακάλυψή του! Το συγκεκριμένο μαργαριτάρι εντοπίστηκε το 2017 και η διάμετρός του είναι μικρότερη από 30 χιλιοστά! Το μεγαλύτερο όμως γνωστό μαργαριτάρι που βρέθηκε ήταν το 1934 στις Φιλιππίνες στο νησί Παλουβάν και έχει βάρος 6,4 κιλά (από το είδος οστράκου Tridacna Gigas). Το μαργαριτάρι αυτό είναι γνωστό στην αγορά και ως το ‘Μαργαριτάρι του Λάο Τσου’!!!
Γνωρίζοντας την ιστορία του μαργαριταριού αλλά και κάθε πολύτιμου λίθου στην ORAGOLD είμαστε σε θέση να προσφέρουμε στον πελάτη την καλύτερη δυνατή τιμή με γνώμονα το συμφέρον του καθώς η αγορά εξελίσσεται διαρκώς δημιουργώντας μέρα με τη μέρα νέες προκλήσεις!